The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
115 Broadway 8th Floor, New York, NY 10006
Boston Museum of Science
Museum Of Science Driveway, Boston, MA 02114
San Diego Fleet Science Center
1875 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Frequently Asked Questions
What is mariculture?
Mariculture refers to the cultivation of marine organisms, such as corals, in controlled environments like tanks. It is a sustainable practice that
Why is mariculture important for
Mariculture plays a crucial role in environmental conservation by reducing the pressure on wild coral reefs. It allows for the sustainable production of
How does mariculture contribute to
Mariculture is a subset of aquaculture that specifically focuses on the cultivation of marine
What are the benefits of mariculture?
Mariculture offers several benefits, including the production of high-quality corals, reduced pressure on wild populations, and the ability to
What is the process for mariculture
To obtain mariculture certification, you need to meet the state of Florida’s requirements for sustainable practices and multiple generations of high-quality coral production. Please
How can we assist you?
We are here to help! If you have any questions or need further assistance, please
Mariculture of
corals, aquaculture
sustainable, tanks raised
High quality State